COSC 4820 Database Systems

Algebraic and Logical Query Languages

Ruben Gamboa

About this Chapter

  • The focus of this chapter is on programming database applications

  • First, we will discuss some important extensions to relational algebra
  • This includes some new operators that are very useful in practice, e.g., grouping and sorting
  • It also involves some pragmatic compromises that make implementations of relational algebra more efficient

  • We will also introduce a different query model that is based on logic
  • This formalism is also useful as a foundation towards graphical query languages, e.g., Query-by-Example (QBE)
  • And it supports more powerful queries than relational algebra

Relational Operations on Bags

What Are Bags?

  • A bag (also called a multiset) is a collection of elements that
    1. is unordered
    2. allows multiple copies of the same element

  • It is different from lists in that lists are ordered

  • It is different from sets in that sets have only one copy of each element

  • In our context, using bags means that we allow duplicate rows in a table

Why Bags instead of Sets?

  • The original mathematical formalism of relational databases was based on sets

  • Real relational database systems operated on bags instead of sets

  • The reason is efficiency, e.g.,
    • To compute \(A \cup B\), simply return the elements of \(A\) followed by the elements of \(B\)
    • To compute \(\pi(A)\), simply return project each element of \(A\) one at a time, and return the result as you compute it
  • In neither case do you need to worry about duplicates
  • Taking care of duplicates is an \(O(n\log n)\) operation, whereas the two algorithms above are only \(O(n)\)

  • And don't forget that in the context of database, that could be a huge difference

Bag Operations

  • Suppose \(R\) and \(S\) are bags
  • Tuple \(t\) appears \(n\) times in \(R\) and \(m\) times in \(S\)
  • Here, we allow \(n\) and \(m\) to be zero
Operation #times \(t\) appears in result
\(R \cup S\) \(n+m\)
\(R \cap S\) \(\min(n,m)\)
\(R - S\) \(\max(n-m, 0)\)

Bag Operations

  • Here are some example relations

Relation \(R\)

1 2
3 4
1 2
1 2

Relation \(S\)

1 2
3 4
3 4
5 6

Bag Operations

\(R \cup S\)

1 2
3 4
1 2
1 2
1 2
3 4
3 4
5 6

\(R \cap S\)

1 2
3 4

\(R - S\)

1 2
1 2

\(S - R\)

3 4
5 6

Bag Operations

Relation \(R\)

1 2
3 4
1 2
1 2

Relation \(\pi_B(R)\)


Relation \(\sigma_{A \le 2}(R)\)

1 2
1 2
1 2

Bag Operations

Relation \(R\)

1 2
3 4
1 2
1 2

Relation \(S\)

1 2
3 4
3 4
5 6

\(R \times S\)

1 2 1 2
1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4
1 2 5 6
3 4 1 2
3 4 3 4
3 4 3 4
3 4 5 6
1 2 1 2
1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4
1 2 5 6
1 2 1 2
1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4
1 2 5 6

Bag Operations

Relation \(R\)

1 2
3 4
1 2
1 2

Relation \(S\)

1 2
3 4
3 4
5 6

\(R \bowtie_{R.A=S.A} S\)

1 2 1 2
3 4 3 4
3 4 3 4
1 2 1 2
1 2 1 2

Bag Operations Pragmatics

  • Remember: The main reason for bag operations is that they are more efficient than set operations

  • So does it really make sense that a tuple \(t\) should appear \(n+m\) times in \(R \cup S\)?

  • In general, expect database implementations to define their own semantics for bag operations
  • And the precise semantics may vary depending on the way the optimizer chooses to implement a given query
  • Which means it may change over time

Extended Operators of Relational Algebra

Extended Operators of Relational Algebra

  • These operators are not part of the original description of relational algebra, but they are incredibly useful

  • Duplicate-elimination operator \(\delta\)
  • Sorting operator \(\tau\) (\(\sigma\) was taken)
  • Grouping operator \(\gamma\)
  • Aggregation combines multiple tuples into a single value, e.g., by averaging
  • Extended projection supports arithmetic operators and renaming in a projection
  • Outer joins are similar to joins, but retain tuples that do not meet the join criteria

Duplicate Elimination

  • This just converts a bag into a set by removing duplicates

Relation \(R\)

1 2
3 4
1 2
1 2


1 2
3 4

Aggregate Operators

  • These summarize (or aggregate) one or more columns in the result

Relation \(R\)

1 2
3 4
1 2
1 2

Aggregations of \(R\)

Aggregation Value
SUM(A) 6
AVG(A) 1.5
MIN(A) 1
MAX(A) 3


  • The grouping operator collects all the rows that have the same value of one or more columns
  • That way, aggregation takes place on each group, not on the entire table

  • This is the difference between
    • Average starting salary of graduating seniors
    • Average starting salary of graduating seniors by major

Grouping Example


StudentId Major Salary
1001 COSC 60,000
2010 ARTH 12,000
1022 COSC 65,000
3095 EECS 58,000
9403 EECS 55,000





Major \(\text{AVG}(\text{Salary})\)
ARTH 12,000
COSC 62,500
EECS 56,500

Grouping and Aggregation

  • In general, we have \(\gamma_{L}(R)\)
  • The list \(L\) may contain
    • grouping attributes from \(R\), e.g., \(A\)
    • aggregated attributes from \(R\), e.g., \(\text{SUM}(B)\)

  • To execute \(\gamma_{L}(R)\):
    1. Partition the tuples of \(R\) into groups according to the values in the grouping attributes
    2. For each group, create a tuple that has the values of the grouping attributes and the aggregated values of the aggregated attributes

Extended Grouping Operator

  • The names for aggregated attributes are unwieldy, e.g, \(\text{SUM}(B)\)
  • A simple extension allows us to rename these attributes immediately, without having to invoke the \(\rho\) renaming operator


Major AvgSalary
ARTH 12,000
COSC 62,500
EECS 56,500

Extended Projection Operator

  • Similarly, we can extend the projection operator
  • Each item in a projection can be
    • an attribute \(A\) (just as before)
    • a renamed attribute, e.g., \(A \rightarrow B\)
    • a named expression, e.g., \(A+2 \rightarrow B\)

Relation \(R\)

1 2
3 4
1 2
1 2

\(\pi_{A, 2\cdot A\rightarrow A', B \rightarrow B'}(R)\)

A A' B'
1 2 2
3 6 4
1 2 2
1 2 2

Sorting Operator

  • The sorting operator \(\tau\) orders the tuples by one or more columns

Relation \(R\)

1 2 6
3 4 5
1 2 4
1 2 3


1 2 3
1 2 4
1 2 6
3 4 5

Outer Joins

  • A characteristic of joins is that only rows with matching tuples in the other relation show up in the result
  • The remaining rows are left dangling

  • E.g., suppose we join students with advisors
  • If a student does not have an advisor, she will not show up on the results
  • If an advisor does not have any students, she will not show up on the results, either

  • Sometimes, it would be preferable to create an extra row, e.g., with a student but with a NULL advisor
  • That's what outer joins do

Outer Joins

  • Consider \(R(A,B,C)\) and \(S(B,C,D)\)
  • The outer join is \(R \overset{\circ}{\bowtie} S\) contains
    • The tuples in \(R \bowtie S\)
    • A tuple \((a,b,c,NULL)\) for each \((a,b,c) \in R\) with no matching tuples in \(S\)
    • A tuple \((NULL,b,c,d)\) for each \((b,c,d) \in S\) with no matching tuples in \(R\)

Outer Joins


1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9


2 3 10
2 3 11
6 7 12

\(R \overset{\circ}{\bowtie} S\)

1 2 3 10
1 2 3 11
4 5 6 NULL
7 8 9 NULL
NULL 6 7 12

Left and Right Outer Joins

  • Consider \(R(A,B,C)\) and \(S(B,C,D)\)
  • Usually, we only want to keep the dangling tuples from \(R\) and not \(S\), or vice versa

  • Left outer join \(R \overset{\circ}{\bowtie}_L S\): Keep dangling tuples from \(R\) but not from \(S\)
  • Right outer join \(R \overset{\circ}{\bowtie}_R S\): Keep dangling tuples from \(S\) but not from \(R\)
  • I.e., the left outer join preserves the tuples in the left table, and the same for the right

  • Some databases only support left outer joins

Outer Joins


1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9


2 3 10
2 3 11
6 7 12

\(R \overset{\circ}{\bowtie}_L S\)

1 2 3 10
1 2 3 11
4 5 6 NULL
7 8 9 NULL

\(R \overset{\circ}{\bowtie}_R S\)

1 2 3 10
1 2 3 11
NULL 6 7 12

A Logic for Relations

A Logic for Relations

  • We will now introduce a different query language, which is declarative
  • I.e., the programmer states his or her intention and the database comes up with an execution plan

  • The query language Datalog is based on logic programming

Prolog Facts



parent(james1, charles1).
parent(james1, elizabeth).
parent(charles1, charles2).
parent(charles1, catherine).
parent(charles1, james2).
parent(elizabeth, sophia).
parent(sophia, george1).

Prolog Rules

mother(X,Y) :- parent(X,Y), female(X).

father(X,Y) :- parent(X,Y), male(X).

grandparent(X,Y) :- parent(X, Z), parent(Z, Y).

Prolog Queries



?grandparent(elizabeth, Y).

?grandparent(X, charles2).

Connection with Databases

  • Prolog facts make up the database (also called the extensional database)
  • Prolog rules correspond to the program (also called the intensional database)
  • Prolog queries are, well, queries

  • Terminology:
    • A predicate is a function that returns true or false
    • An atom is an invocation of a predicate, e.g., \(f(1,4)\)
    • A literal is an atom or a negated atom
    • An arithmetic atom is an atom that tests arithmetic properties, e.g., \(3 \le 5-x\)
    • A non-arithmetic atom is called a relational atom
    • A rule contains a head and a body, which has one or more literals
    • Each literal in a both is called a goal or subgoal

Connection with Databases

  • Movies(title, year, length, genre, studioName, producerC#)
LongMovies(T,Y) :- Movies(T,Y,L,G,S,P) AND L >= 100.

LongMovies(T,Y) :- Movies(T,Y,L,_,_,_), L >= 100.

  • Compare with \[\text{LongMovie} := \pi_{\text{title},\text{year}}(\sigma_{\text{length} \ge 100}(\text{Movies}))\]

Semantics of Datalog Rules

  • So what does a rule mean?
  • E.g., what does \(h(X,Y) \leftarrow b_1(X,Z), b_2(Z,Y)\) mean?

  • First, consider all possible values for all variables appearing in the rules
  • E.g., consider all possible values of \(X\), \(Y\), and \(Z\)

  • Suppose that \(\langle x_0, y_0, z_0 \rangle\) is a combination of values that makes all of the subgoals in the body true
  • Then, we add the corresponding head to the answer

  • I.e., suppose \(b_1(x_0, z_0)\) and \(b_2(z_0, y_0)\) are both true
  • Then \(h(x_0, y_0)\) is one of the answers

Executing Datalog Queries

  • Start with a query, e.g., ?grandparent(X, elizabeth).
  • Consider all rules whose head matches the query

    • In this case, only this rule is applicable:
    grandparent(X,Y) :- parent(X, Z), parent(Z, Y).
  • Now consider the body of the rule, after substituting variables appropriately

    • In this case, we have:
    parent(X, Z), parent(Z, elizabeth)
  • The resulting literals become new subgoals, and we process them just like the main goal

    • E.g., we would find all solutions to ?parent(X, Z), and then combine those with the solutions to ?parent(z, elizabeth)
    • Notice that's ?parent(z, elizabeth) and not ?parent(Z, elizabeth)

Some Problems

  • Consider the following rule

    orphan(Y) :- NOT parent(X, Y).
  • In particular, suppose X is ruben and Y is buffy

  • parent(ruben, buffy) is false

  • Does that mean buffy is an orphan?

Some More Problems

  • Consider the following rule

    even(X) :- X = 2*Y.
  • The goal ?even(X) has an infinite number of solutions!

  • That's not safe

Even More Problems

  • Consider the following rule

    advises(X, Y) :- faculty(X).
  • The goal ?advises(john,Y) also has an infinite number of solutions!

  • That's not safe

Safety Condition

  • If a variable \(X\) appears in a rule, it must also appear in

    • a relational subgoal of the body
    • that is not negated
  • This guarantees that the answers to queries are always finite (hence safe)

  • It also guarantees that negations and arithmetic predicates always operate on bound variables

  • Which means that we can find answers to queries in finite time (also safe)

Semantics of Safe Datalog

  • Don't consider all possible values of all variables!

  • Instead, consider the positive relational literals
  • These are, in effect, lookups into the extensional database
  • So we get a finite number of tuples (i.e., bindings to the variables)

  • Since the rule is safe, this means all the variables in the rule have values
  • Now test to see whether the negated literals and arithmetic literals are true
  • If they are, the head (with the given variable bindings) is added to the result

Recursive Datalog

  • One of the great things about Datalog is that it supports recursive queries
ancestor(X, Y) :- parent(X, Y).
ancestor(X, Y) :- parent(X, Z), ancestor(Z, Y).

bbf(X) :- royal(X), french(X).
bbf(X) :- mother(Y, X), bbf(Y), father(Z, X), bbf(Z).
  • Neither of these can be done with relational algebra!

Beyond Datalog

  • Prolog supports more complex data structures, such as records and lists
append([], Ys, Ys).
append([X | Xs], Ys, [X | Zs]) :- append(Xs, Ys, Zs).

?append([1,2,3], [4,5], [1,2,3,4,5]).

zip([], [], []).
zip([X | Xs], [Y | Ys], [pair(X, Y) | Zs]) :- zip(Xs, Ys, Zs).

?zip([a,b,c], [1,2,3], [pair(a,1), pair(b,2), pair(c,3)]).

  • Neither of these can be done with relational algebra!

Beyond Datalog

  • Datalog (with data structures) can also be extended to support aggregation
parent(james1, charles1).
parent(james1, elizabeth).
parent(charles1, charles2).
parent(charles1, catherine).
parent(charles1, james2).
parent(elizabeth, sophia).
parent(sophia, george1).

children(X, <Y>) :- parent(X, Y).

?children(james1, [charles1, elizabeth]).
?children(charles1, [charles2, catherine, james2]).
  • Note that you can perform any aggregation operation on the resulting list
  • Note that the grouping operator <*> should be defined in terms of sets, not lists...and this can be done (c.f. LDL)

Relational Algebra and Datalog

Relational Algebra and Datalog

  • It turns out that relational algebra expressions can be translated into Datalog
Relational Algebra Datalog
\(A \cup B\) P :- A.
P :- B.
\(A \cap B\) P :- A, B.
\(A - B\) P :- A, NOT B.
\(\pi_{x,y}(A)\) P(X,Y) :- A(X,Y,Z).
\(\sigma_{C_1 \wedge C_2}(A)\) P(X,Y) :- A(X,Y), C1(X,Y), C2(X,Y).
\(\sigma_{C_1 \vee C_2}(A)\) P(X,Y) :- A(X,Y), C1(X,Y).
P(X,Y) :- A(X,Y), C2(X,Y).
\(A \times B\) P(X,Y,W,Z) :- A(X,Y), B(W,Z).
\(A \bowtie B\) P(X,Y,Z) :- A(X,Y), B(Y,Z).
\(A \bowtie_\theta B\) P(X,Y,W,Z) :- A(X,Y), B(W,Z), \(\theta\)(X,Y,W,Z).

Relational Algebra and Datalog

  • Repeated applications of the rules in the previous slide will convert any relational algebra query into a Datalog program
Converting Relational Algebra into Datalog

Datalog and Relational Algebra

  • A single, safe Datalog rule can be translated into Relational Algebra
  • That means that relational algebra and datalog can describe exactly the same queries
  • This class of queries is called relationally complete

  • But if you consider more than one datalog rule, things change
  • In particular, recursive datalog queries cannot be translated into relational algebra

  • Also, extended relational algebra cannot be translated into Datalog, but it can be translated into generalizations of Datalog, e.g., the Logic Data Language (LDL)

Datalog and GUIs

  • Query-by-Example (QBE) is an old database product that used a graphical query language
  • Microsoft Access is one of its famous descendants
  • Parts of QBE are also reinvented often by programmers writing web front-ends to database systems

  • QBE is very closely related to Datalog!

QBE Selection

QBE Selection


QBE Join

QBE Join

\[\pi_{\text{sname}}((\text{Sailors} \bowtie \text{Reserves}) \bowtie_{\text{}}(\rho_{\text{R2}}(\sigma_{\text{sid}=22}(\text{Reserves}))))\]

  • Notice how both joins and selections follow the same principles as Datalog