COSC 4820 Database Systems

High-Level Database Models

Ruben Gamboa

About this Chapter

  • The focus of this chapter is on modeling the real world using database schemas
  • So we have a specific real-world situation
  • The goal is to find a schema that can be used to describe this situation

  • Remember, all we have to work with is tables!
  • That's bad, because the real world is much more complex than a bunch of tables

  • In practice, we use higher-level data models
  • The reason is that we want to have more flexibility during modeling
  • So we want more powerful languages to describe the real world, but still be able to convert designs into a relational schema
  • Among the choices are Entity-Relationship (E/R) Diagrams, the Unified Modeling Language (UML), and the Object Description Language (ODL)

Entity/Relationship Model

The Entity/Relationship Model

  • The Entity/Relationship (E/R) Model is the classic high-level database design tool
  • The model is represented using an E/R Diagram

  • There are three different concepts in E/R Diagrams
    1. Entity (sets)
    2. Attributes
    3. Relationships

Entity Sets

  • An entity is an abstract object
  • Generally, this will correspond to a concrete object in the real world, e.g., a contract, a person, a car

  • An entity set is a collection of similar entities, e.g., all UW contracts, all persons working at UW, etc.

  • There is a very clear analogy between
    • entity sets and classes
    • entities and objects
  • You can get far using your intuition from object-oriented programming here
  • The only difference is that entities have data, but no methods
  • Go ahead, think of them as C structs!


  • Entity sets have attributes, which are the properties of the entities in that entity set
  • All entities in an entity set have the same attributes
  • That's what we mean by "similar entities" in an entity set

  • Of course, attributes of entity sets are just like attributes of relations
  • This is one place where it's easier to think of the tables than the entity sets, because we can think in terms of rows and columns

  • Note that entities have values for the attributes in their entity set
  • The values are of a given type or domain
  • We will only consider scalar types (e.g., integer, string, date)


  • Relationships are connections among two or more entity sets
  • A relationship could also be a connection between an entity set and itself

  • For example, we have the entity sets
    • Movies
    • MovieStars
  • A relationship between them could be called StarsIn

E/R Diagrams

  • An E/R Diagram is a graph that shows entity sets, attributes and relationships
    • Entity sets are represented by rectangles
    • Attributes are ovals
    • Relationships are diamonds

  • Edges connect
    • Entity sets and their attributes
    • Relationships and the entity sets involved in them
  • Note in particular
    • There is never an edge between two entity sets
    • There is never an edge between two relationships
    • There is never an edge between two attributes

E/R Diagram for Movies Schema

E/R Diagram for Movies Schema

Multiplicity of Relationships

  • Suppose we have a relationship between entity sets
  • How many entities on each entity set can be involved in a single instance of the relationship?

  • E.g., suppose we have a relationship between Advisors and Students
    • An advisor may have many students they advise
    • A student should have only one advisor

  • Or suppose we have a relationship between Students and Courses
    • A student may be taking many courses
    • And a course may (should?) have many students

  • Or suppose we have a relationship between Universities and Presidents
    • A university can have at most one president
    • And a president can work in only one university

Multiplicity of Relationships

  • These cases lead to the following notation
  • Suppose \(R\) is a relationship between entity sets \(E\) and \(F\)
    • If each entity in \(E\) can be connected to at most one member of \(F\), we say \(R\) is many-to-one from \(E\) to \(F\)
    • Likewise, if each entity in \(F\) can be connected to at most one member of \(E\), we say that \(R\) is many-to-one from \(F\) to \(E\)
    • If \(R\) is many-to-one from \(E\) to \(F\) and from \(F\) to \(E\), we call it one-to-one
    • If none of these hold, we say \(R\) is many-to-many
  • This possibilities describe the possible multiplicity of entities in a relationship

Multiplicity of Relationships

  • Arrows are used in the E-R diagram to indicate multiplicity in relationships
  • The arrow always goes from the relationship to an entity set
  • The arrow indicates that that entity set is on the one side of the relationship
  • But the arrow means at most one
  • There is no guarantee that there is actually one right now (e.g., a university may (temporarily) not have a president)

Multiplicity of Relationships

Many-to-One Relationship

One-to-One Relationship

Ternary (and Higher) Relationships

  • Occasionally, we will want to model a relationship among three (or more) entity sets
    • Law firms organize their records (and billing) under Attorney-Client-Matters
    • A studio may hire an actor to appear in a movie, resulting in Studio-MovieStar-Movie

E/R Diagram for Ternary (and Higher) Relationships

Ternary Relationship
  • Note the meaning of the arrow into Studios
  • If you know the Movie and the MovieStar, then only one Studio can be associated with them
  • But a different Studio may have a contract with the same MovieStar but in a different Movie

Unary Relationships and Roles

  • It is fairly common to have relationships between an entity set and itself
  • For example, movies have sequels
  • Or students can be advisors of other students
  • Or a person have be a spouse of another person

  • Usually, the relationship is asymmetric
    • E.g., Empire Strikes Back is a sequel of Star Wars
    • But Star Wars is not a sequel of Empire Strikes Back

  • So when we draw the E/R diagram, we have to label each edge, to show the role of the given participant
    • E.g., the role may be sequel and original
    • Or advisor and advisee

Unary Relationships and Roles

Relationship Roles

Relationship Roles

Converting Ternary (and Higher) Relationships to Binary Relationships

  • Although the E/R model supports ternary (and higher) relationships, it is sometimes useful to convert such relationships to binary relationships only
  • Partly, this is because binary relationships are simpler
  • It's also because some other notations only allow binary relationships

  • Luckily, it's easy to do the conversion
  • Suppose \(R\) is a relationship among \(E\), \(F\), and \(G\)
  • Create a new entity set \(R_E\)
  • Connect \(R_E\) with the entity sets \(E\), \(F\), and \(G\)
  • Each of those connections is binary
  • And each entity in \(R_E\) corresponds to a relationship in \(R\)

Converting Ternary (and Higher) Relationships to Binary Relationships

Relationship Roles Converting Ternary to Binary Relationships

Attributes on Relationships

  • Although it may appear unnatural at first, it is very common to have attributes on relationships, not just entity sets
  • Examples:
    • The WorksIn relationship may have an associated Salary attribute
    • The ProjectMember relationship may have PctEffort
    • The RecipeIngredient relationship may have Amount

  • These are indicated the same way as attributes on entity sets
  • I.e., there is an edge between the attribute and the relationship

Attributes on Relationships

Relationship Attributes
  • Note: You can always avoid relationship attributes by adding extra entity sets
  • But this is seldom necessary (or wise)

Subclasses in the E/R Model

  • It is extremely common for an entity set to be just like another entity set, but with some more attributes
  • For example, in the university, there may be entity sets for Students and Faculty
  • Both entity sets will have name, address, phone number, etc.
  • In addition,
    • Students may have a major, degree program, etc.
    • Faculty may have salary, highest degree earned, etc.

  • It's natural to represent this using subclasses
  • The attributes in common are placed in Person
  • Then the entity sets Students and Faculty extend Person, adding their own attributes

  • In the E/R diagram, this is signified by a special type of relationship that is a triangle instead of a diamond

Subclasses in the E/R as Opposed to the Object-Oriented Model

  • There is a major difference between subclasses in the E/R and OO models

  • Suppose \(A\) is a superclass, and \(A_1\), \(A_2\), and \(A_3\) are subclasses
  • You have to make two decisions
    • Coverage: Does every \(A\) have to be one of \(A_1\), \(A_2\), or \(A_3\)?
    • Exclusivity: Can an \(A_1\) also be an \(A_2\) or an \(A_3\)?

  • In OOP, we can actually do this
    • Coverage: If \(A\) is abstract, then yes -- otherwise, no
    • Exclusivity: Typically not, but in C++, yes (by further subclassing)
    • Oh, and Java (and modern OO languages) uses interfaces to get around exclusivity

Subclasses in the E/R Model

  • In databases, the assumptions are that
    • Coverage: No, an \(A\) does not have to be one of the \(A_i\)
    • Exclusivity: No, an entity can be an \(A\), an \(A_i\) and an \(A_j\) all at the same time

Subclasses in the E/R Model

E/R Subclasses
  • Note that a movie may be something other than a cartoon or a murder-mystery
  • Also, a movie may be both a cartoon and a murder-mystery!

Design Principles

Design Principles

  • Now we'll turn our attention to design principles
  • E/R diagrams are a tool to describe different designs

  • The same real-world situation may be modeled in radically different E/R diagrams
  • The important question is, how can we compare different designs?
  • In other words, what makes one design better than another?

  • We'll (try to) answer these questions by identifying important design principles


  • First and foremost, the design should reflect the real world

  • An entity set \(E\) should have attribute \(A\) if and only if that attribute really exists in the real world for that entity set

  • Likewise, the multiplicities of relationships must reflect the real world
  • Don't be fooled!
  • This isn't technical, but it is extremely difficult
  • It may take years to fully understand a particular aspect of the real world well enough to design a good database


  • Avoid redundancy at (almost) all costs

  • Everything we said about redundancy for tables is still applicable

  • And there is an extra complication
  • There can be redundancy between an attribute and a relationship
    • Student has an Advisor relationship with Faculty
    • Student has an attribute called Advisor

Redundancy of Relationships

  • Relationships also present an extra opportunity for redundancy
  • E.g., consider the relationships Parent and GrandParent

  • The problem with having both of these relationship is obvious

  • Even here, though, there is a subtlety
  • What if we sometimes don't know all the Parents, but we do know some reliable facts about GrandParents?


  • Hoare's Law of Large Problems:

    Inside every large problem is a small problem struggling to get out.

  • But never forget H.L. Mencken's take:

    For every complex problem there is an answer that is clear, simple, and wrong.

  • Bottom line: If two solutions work, pick the simpler one, but only if it really works

Attributes vs. Entity Sets (or Relationships)

  • It is easy to add an attribute to an existing entity set
  • In general, attributes are lightweight

  • The problem is that sometimes an attribute does not work:
    • It may have nested attributes (especially if there are FDs between the attributes)
    • Different values of the attribute may have natural relationships
    • A single value of the attribute may be involved in many-one or many-many relationships with other entity sets

  • In general: Err on the side of having entity sets
  • This heuristic works because we will be naturally biased in favor of attributes!

Example: Historical Market Data

  • Take a very simple example
  • We want to store market data, which looks like this
Ticker Company Date Price
AAPL Apple Inc. 2/18/15 128.71
AAPL Apple Inc. 2/17/15 127.83
MSFT Microsoft Corporation 2/18/15 43.53
MSFT Microsoft Corporation 2/17/15 43.58
C Citigroup Inc. 2/18/15 51.42
C Citigroup Inc. 2/17/15 51.69

Example: Historical Market Data

Chart of AAPL

Example: Historical Market Data

Market Data ERD

Example: Historical Market Data

Market Data ERD

Example: Historical Market Data

Market Data ERD

Example: Historical Market Data

  • Another complication: Splits
Ticker Company Date Price
AAPL Apple Inc. 6/05/14 647.35
AAPL Apple Inc. 6/06/14 647.57
AAPL Apple Inc. 6/09/14 93.70
AAPL Apple Inc. 6/10/14 94.25

Example: Historical Market Data

  • Yet another complication: Dividends
Ticker Company Date Price
AAPL Apple Inc. 2/03/15 118.65
AAPL Apple Inc. 2/04/15 119.56
AAPL Apple Inc. 2/05/15 119.94
AAPL Apple Inc. 2/06/15 118.93

Example: Historical Market Data

  • Yet another complication: Acquisitions (Beats)
Ticker Company Date Price
AAPL Apple Inc. 5/23/14 614.13
AAPL Apple Inc. 5/27/14 625.63
AAPL Apple Inc. 5/28/14 624.01
AAPL Apple Inc. 5/29/14 635.38

Example: Historical Market Data

  • Yet another complication: Spinoffs (Apperian)
Ticker Company Date Price
AAPL Apple Inc. 1/13/09 87.71
AAPL Apple Inc. 1/14/09 85.33
AAPL Apple Inc. 1/15/09 83.38
AAPL Apple Inc. 1/16/09 82.33

Not very exciting: But read up on AT&T's breakup in 1984!

Example: Historical Market Data

Market Data ERD

Example: Historical Market Data

  • Even More Complications: Ticker Symbols and Exchanges
Ticker Company Date Price Exchange
AAPL Apple Inc. 2/18/15 128.71 NMS
AAPL34.SA Apple Inc. 2/18/15 36.61 SAO
AAPL.MX Apple Inc. 2/18/15 1,911.41 MEX
AAPL.SW APPLE 2/18/15 120.50 EBS
AAPL.BA Apple Inc. 2/18/15 155.00 BUE

Example: Historical Market Data

  • Even More Complications: Ticker Symbols
Ticker Company Date Price Exchange
C Chrysler Corporation 1997 NYSE
DCX DaimlerChrysler AG 1998 NYSE
FCAU Fiat Chrysler 10/13/14 9.55 NYSE
C Citigroup Inc. 1998 NYSE
C Corn Futures 1960 CME

There are CUSIP (Committee on Uniform Securities Identification Procedures) symbols, which give a unique identifier for each security traded in North America:

  • 037833100 - Apple
  • 172967101 - Citigroup

But, you guessed it. CUSIPs change over time, so you need another entity set to handle "CUSIP chaining"

Example: Historical Market Data

Did we mention AAPL?

  • Apple Computer Inc., on 1/3/77
  • Apple Inc., 1/9/07

Example: Historical Market Data

  • One More Complication: Things change
  • AAPL is trading at 138.72 on 2/18/15

  • No, wait!
  • That was a typo!!!
  • I meant 128.72 on 2/18/15

  • So what if my target for APPL was 135 and I sold all my AAPL holdings?
  • And what if I am working for a hedge fund that just lost $100M selling its AAPL stock because the sell order triggered a "flash crash"

  • Maybe all data points in the historical data should have a date and corrections history attached to them
  • The same may be said for names, etc.

Constraints in the E/R Model

Constraints in the E/R Model

  • We saw that constraints play an important role in the relational model
  • We want to represent constraints in the E/R model, too

  • We've already seen some of this: arrowheads represent multiplicity
  • This is actually a type of constraint
  • It's a bit like an FD, but it goes across relations!
  • (We'll model it later as an FD in the relationship table)

Keys in the E/R Model

  • Keys are another very important constraint
  • It has the same meaning as in the relational model
  • And it's represented in the same way
    • The attributes in the key are underlined

  • There is one extra subtlety
  • If \(A\) is an entity set and \(A_1\), \(A_2\), \(A_3\) are subclasses (or subentity sets)
    • There must be a key in \(A\) (with the attributes of \(A\))
    • The key of \(A_i\) is \(\pi_{\mathcal{A_i}}(A)\)
  • I.e., if you have an instance of the superclass, you can get the associated instance(s) in the subclasse(s)
  • In particular, \(A \bowtie A_1\) returns all the information for the entities in \(A_1\)

Keys in the E/R Model

E/R Diagram Keys

Note: It is purely a coincidence that the key attributes are always above the entity set!

In general, this will not be the case

Referential Integrity

  • Referential Integrity is a crucial constraint
  • Basically, it says that if you point to something, it really exists
    • In programming: No garbage pointers
    • In the web: No 404 Not Found errors

  • You may (should) remember how we specified this constraint using relational algebra

  • The basic referential integrity is assumed in E/R Diagrams
  • If there is a many-to-one relationship from \(E\) to \(F\), we take it for granted that
    • if an instance \(e\) of \(E\) claims to be associated with an instance \(f\) of \(F\),
    • then \(f\) actually exists

Referential Integrity

  • In E/R diagrams, referential integrity also refers to a similar (but different) notion

  • Again, suppose there is a many-to-one relationship from \(E\) to \(F\)
  • And consider an entity \(e\) of \(E\)
  • Does there need to be an entity \(f\) in \(F\) that \(e\) is associated with?

  • If the answer is "yes", then this is also a sort of referential integrity constraint
  • It is denoted in E/R Diagrams by rounded arrowheads

E/R Referential Integrity

Degree Constraints

  • What the "referential integrity" really says is that every \(e\) in \(E\) must be associated with at least one \(f\) in \(F\)
  • In addition, since the relationship is many-to-one, then we know \(e\) is associated with exactly one \(f\)

  • This idea can be generalized to different degree constraings
  • E.g., each \(e\) in \(E\) must be associated with at most 10 \(f_i\) in \(F\)
  • Or each \(e\) in \(E\) must be associated with at least 3 \(f_i\) in \(F\)

E/R Degree Constraints

Weak Entity Sets

Weak Entity Sets

  • Consider an entity set \(E\) with key \(A_1\), \(A_2\), \(A_3\)
  • It is possible that \(A_1\) is actually a key for some other entity set \(F\)
  • In this case, we say that \(E\) is a weak entity set

  • That's actually the definition of weak entity set
  • It is an entity set whose key is a superset of the key of some other entity set

Weak Entity Sets: Because of Mergers

  • For example, UW has many students
  • Each student has a unique ID, the W#
  • As far as UW is concerned, the ID is unique

  • But what if we want to have a database that combines students from many universities
  • Then the key for the Student table may consist of
    • University key
    • Student key (relative to the university)
University StudentID Name
UWyo W12345678 John Galt
UWyo W24683579 Francisco d'Anconia
TAMU 010-CS-193a Dagny Taggart
UTAus a73e9fxe$3 Hank Rearden

Weak Entity Sets: Because of Hierarchies

  • Another classic reason for weak entity sets is hierarchies
  • Consider a purchase order
  • It contains
    • one or more line items, each with a product, quantity, and price
    • subtotal
    • tax
    • total

  • The line items belong to the purchase order
  • So their key contains the key of the purchase order
  • E.g., lime item #2 of purchase order #429

Keys for Entity Sets

  • The key for an entity set consists of
    • Some of its own attributes (e.g., StudentID)
    • Keys from entity sets that can be reached from the weak entity set (e.g., University)

  • By "reached", we are referring to relationships
  • The relationship between a weak entity set and the "owning" entity set is called a supporting relationship
  • The "owning" entity set is called a supporting entity set

Supporting Relationships and Entity Sets

  • Suppose we have

    • a weak entity set \(E\)
    • with supporting relationship \(R\)
    • and supporting entity set \(F\)
  • Then the following requirements must hold

    1. \(R\) is a binary many-to-one or one-to-one relationship from \(E\) to \(F\) (i.e., there is at most one owner)
    2. There must be at least one \(F\) associated with each \(E\) (i.e., there is exactly one owner)
    3. The key of \(E\) must have some attributes that form a key in \(F\)
    4. If \(F\) is also a weak entity, then its key will have some attributes from its supporting entity set, and those will also appear in \(E\)

  • Note that there may be more than one supporting relationship between \(E\) and \(F\), but this is quite rare

Weak Entity Sets in E/R Diagrams

  • Weak entity sets are denoted in double rectangles
  • Supporting relationships are denoted as double diamonds
  • The (underlined) key of a weak entity set does not include the attributes from its supporting entity set

E/R Weak Entity Sets

Remember this Example?

Market Data ERD

This was redundant, so we decomposed it into Companies and MarketData

Example: Historical Market Data

Market Data ERD

Now it's decomposed, but there is a Ticker attribute and a relationship with Companies at the same time

Example: Historical Market Data

Market Data ERD

There is no attribute/relationship redundancy, but the key in MarketData is clearly wrong!

Example: Historical Market Data

Market Data ERD

Now it's fixed! This is "naturally occurring" weak entity.

Converting E/R Diagrams to Relations

Converting E/R Diagrams to Relations

  • One of the reasons that E/R diagrams are so useful is that they can be mechanically converted into equivalent relations
  • So we can convert our high-level design to a low-level implementation

  • The basic strategy is
    • turn each entity set into a relation with the same name and attributes
    • turn a relationship into an entity set with attributes corresponding to the primary keys of the connected entity sets, as well as any attributes defined for the relationship itself

Converting E/R Diagrams to Relations

E/R Diagram Keys

Movies(_title_, _year_, length, genre)
Stars(_name_, address)
StarsIn(_title_, _year_, _name_)

Converting E/R Diagrams to Relations

E/R Diagram Keys

Movies(_title_, _year_, length, genre)
Studios(_name_, address)
Owns(_title_, _year_, _name_)

With the following FD to account for the constraint on Studios:

  • title, year \(\rightarrow\) name

Converting E/R Diagrams to Relations

E/R Diagram Keys

For many-to-one relationships, it is common to merge the relationship table with the "many" side:

Movies(_title_, _year_, length, genre, name)
Studios(_name_, address)

Handling Weak Entity Sets

  • Weak entity sets can also be converted to relations, but with a little more care

  • The list of attributes must also include the attributes in the key of the supporting relation

  • Whenever a relationship table refers to a weak entity set, it must do so with the entire key, including the part contributed by the supporting relation

  • There is no need to create the supporting relationship table
    • It is a many-to-one or one-to-one table, so it can be merged into the weak entity set, as we did before

Handling Weak Entity Sets

E/R Weak Entity Set

Studios(_name_, address)
Crews(_number_, _studioName_, crewChief)

Notice there is no need to create the relationship table

UnitOf(_number_, _studioName_, _name_)

Handling Subclasses (or Subentity Sets)

  • Care must also be taken with the conversion of E/R diagrams that involve inheritance
  • This particular case is a little controversial
  • There is no widespread agreement on the best way to do it

  • The book suggests three approaches
    • The E/R viewpoint
    • A single class
    • NULL values

Subclasses: The E/R Viewpoint

  • Suppose we have root \(A\) and subclasses \(A_1\), \(A_2\), and \(A_3\)

  • We create a relation for each entity set
  • Each of the \(A_i\) must have all the attributes in the key of \(A\)
  • I.e., the \(A_i\) explicitly inherit the key attributes from \(A\)
  • That becomes the key of the \(A_i\), so if an \(A_i\) participates in a relationship, the entire key is used to identify an entity

Subclasses: The E/R Viewpoint

E/R Inheritance

Movies(_title_, _year_, length, genre)
Cartoons(_title_, _year_)
MurderMysteries(_title_, _year_, weapon)


  • Each entity must exist in the Movies table
  • In addition, an entity may also exist in Cartoons, MurdermMysteries, or both

Subclasses: The Single Class Approach

  • The idea behind this is to enumerate all possible subclasses and create a table for each

  • In our case, the "possible subclasses" are
    • Movies
    • CartoonMovies
    • MurderMysteryMovies
    • CartoonMurderMysteryMovies

  • Yes, that is building a table for each subtree of the hierarchy that includes the root
  • (And, by the way, it's not much different than what C++ does)

Subclasses: Using NULL Values

  • The traditional way of doing this is to construct just one relation
  • This relation would be named after the root, and have the attributes of all subclasses
  • E.g., \(A\) would have the attributes of \(A\), \(A_1\), \(A_2\), and \(A_3\)
  • In addition, there is an extra attribute (often called "type") that says whether this instance is of type \(A_1\), \(A_2\), or \(A_3\)
  • If multiple combinations are possible, then "type" needs to be more complicated

Subclasses: Using NULL Values

E/R Inheritance

Movies(_title_, _year_, movieType, length, genre, weapon)

Note that the attribute "weapon" would have NULLs for all entities except murder mysteries!

Handling Subclasses (or Subentity Sets)

  • The traditional (single-table) approach has some advantages
    • There is only one row for each entity
    • You can get all information for a given entity in just one lookup, without having to join lots of tables
  • But it also has disadvantages
    • The tuples are big, so it is more expensive to read a tuple from disk
    • Most queries may use only some of the attributes, so the rest is wasted

  • Generally speaking, database administrators prefer the single-table approach, while OO programmers prefer the "one table per entity set" approach
  • Almost nobody prefers the "one table per subtree" approach, except in very small cases

Object Definition Language

Object Definition Language

  • Object Definition Language (ODL) was originally designed to describe schemas in object-oriented databases
  • Conceptually, just think of the data definition portion of C++
  • A slightly different syntax, and you have ODL

Object Definition Language

class Movie {
    attribute string title;
    attribute integer year;
    attribute integer length;
    attribute enum Genres {drama, comedy, scifi} genre;
    relationship Set<Star> stars inverse Star::starredIn;
    relationship Studio ownedBy inverse Studio::owns;
class Star {
    attribute string name;
    attribute Struct Addr {
        string street,
        string city
    } address;
    relationship Set<Movie> starredIn inverse Movie::stars;

Object Definition Language

class Movie {
    attribute string title;
    attribute integer year;
    attribute integer length;
    attribute enum Genres {drama, comedy, scifi} genre;
    relationship Set<Star> stars inverse Star::starredIn;
    relationship Studio ownedBy inverse Studio::owns;
class Studio {
    attribute string name;
    attribute Star::Addr address;
    relationship Set<Movie> owns inverse Movie::ownedBy;

Converting ODL to Relations

  • In essence, the conversion of ODL to relations follows the same patters as before
  • But things are quite a bit more complicated because ODL supports complex data types
  • The usual approach is to expand the complex datatypes and then consider the FDs and MVDs to normalize the resulting tables

Relevance of ODL

  • ODL is not as common as E/R diagrams or UML
  • However, the ideas in ODL (e.g., relationships, inverse relationships) appear in many other contexts
  • E.g., object-relational mappers that make database schemas look like class hierarchies to code use little languages similar to ODL