COSC 4820 Database Systems

The Relational Model of Data

Ruben Gamboa

An Overview of Data Models

What Is a Data Model?

  • A data model is a notation for describing data or information

  • It consists of three parts
    1. Structure of the data
    2. Operations on the data
    3. Constraints on the data

  • Some important data models
    • Relational model
    • Semistructured data model
    • Object data model

The Relational Data Model

Title Year Length Genre
Gone With the Wind 1939 231 drama
Star Wars 1977 124 scifi
Wayne's World 1992 95 comedy

The Relational Data Model

  • The relational data model is based on tables
  • A table is made up of cells arranged into rows and columns (just like in a spreadsheet)

  • The structure looks like an array of structs in C++
    • Column headers are field names
    • Each row represents a single struct in the array
    • Each column has a type (e.g., string)
  • The operations are described using relational algebra
    • E.g., find all rows in a table that have a certain value in a certain column
    • E.g., find all rows where the genre is "comedy"
  • The constraints limit the possible values in the cells
    • E.g., the only valid genres are "comedy", "drama", or "scifi"
    • E.g., no two movies may have the same title

The Semistructured Data Model

    <Movie title="Gone With the Wind"> 
    <Movie title="Star Wars"> 
    <Movie title="Wayne's World"> 

The Semistructured Data Model

    { "title":"Gone With the Wind",
    { "title":"Star Wars",
    { "title":"Wayne's World",

The Semistructured Data Model

  • The semistructured data model is based on documents
  • A document is made up of arrays and objects and key/value pairs

  • The structure looks like an array of structs in C++
    • The key/value pairs are just named fields of the struct
    • The values can be scalars, like strings or numbers
    • Values can also be nested arrays or objects
  • The operations are described using path descriptors on the implied tree
    • E.g., find all objects where the genre field is equal to "comedy"
  • The constraints limit the possible structures or values
    • E.g., all objects must have a title
    • E.g., the "Genre" must be "comedy", "drama", or "scifi"

The Object-Relational Data Model

  • The object-relational data model is an extension of the relational model

  • Values can have structure, e.g., an address may have a city, state, and zip
  • Relations can have methods

  • The object-relational data model replaced the object data model in RDBMSs

Other Data Models

  • The hierarchical data model organizes data into trees
  • Historically an important model
  • This was the original data model
  • Similar to semistructured data model

  • The network data model organizes data into graphs
  • The high point of the pre-relational data models, e.g., CODASYL
  • This is making a comeback in graph databases

So Which Data Model Is Better?

  • This is largely a meaningless question

  • Traditional databases use the relational or object-relational model

  • This is one of the main points of departure for NoSQL databases
  • This use more powerful data models, like graphs or documents

  • But the relational model offers powerful optimizations
  • It is also well understood by programmers

Basics of the Relational Model

Relational Data Model

  • A benefit (limitation?) of the relational data model is that there is only one way to represent data
  • Data is represented as a two-dimensional table, called a relation
  • The cells in the table are scalars
  • All cells in a column have the same type

Title Year Length Genre
Gone With the Wind 1939 231 drama
Star Wars 1977 124 scifi
Wayne's World 1992 95 comedy


  • An attribute is the name of a column
  • Each row consists of a set of attributes and their values

  • E.g., the attributes are title, year, length, and genre

Title Year Length Genre
Gone With the Wind 1939 231 drama
Star Wars 1977 124 scifi
Wayne's World 1992 95 comedy


  • A tuple or row is one of the rows in the relation
  • We write it using the mathematical notation for ordered tuples
("Star Wars", 1977, 124, "scifi")

Title Year Length Genre
Gone With the Wind 1939 231 drama
Star Wars 1977 124 scifi
Wayne's World 1992 95 comedy


  • The schema for a relation is the name of the relation and its attributes
  • It is written as Movies(title, year, length, genre)

Title Year Length Genre
Gone With the Wind 1939 231 drama
Star Wars 1977 124 scifi
Wayne's World 1992 95 comedy

Naming Conventions

  • Naming conventions are important
  • Here are some suggestions
    • Relation and attribute names are nouns or noun phrases
    • Relation names are capitalized
    • Relation names are plural
    • Attribute names are lower case
    • Attribute names are singular
Title Year Length Genre
Gone With the Wind 1939 231 drama
Star Wars 1977 124 scifi
Wayne's World 1992 95 comedy


  • A domain specifies the possible values for an attribute
  • A more computer-y term would be type
  • But domain makes sense mathematically, as in the domain of a function
  • It is written as title:string
  • The entire relation is written as

    Movies(title:string, year:integer, length:integer, genre:string)

Title Year Length Genre
Gone With the Wind 1939 231 drama
Star Wars 1977 124 scifi
Wayne's World 1992 95 comedy

Equivalent Relations

  • A relation is a set of rows, so you can reorder the rows and still have the same relation
  • Since the attributes are named, you can also reorder the columns

Title Year Length Genre
Gone With the Wind 1939 231 drama
Star Wars 1977 124 scifi
Wayne's World 1992 95 comedy

Title Genre Year Length
Star Wars scifi 1977 124
Gone With the Wind drama 1939 231
Wayne's World comedy 1992 95

Relations and Relation Instances

  • Consider a schema like

    Movies(title:string, year:integer, length:integer, genre:string)

  • This describes a relation, which is an abstract ideal

  • By abstract, I mean any possible set of rows that follows this schema

  • A specific set of rows makes up a relation instance

  • So a relation represents any possible data set that fits into a table, e.g., the students enrolled in a class

  • But a relation instance is one concrete data set, e.g., the students in this class


  • A key is a type of constraint on the values of a relation
  • A set of attributes forms a key if two different tuples have to have different values for these attributes

  • For example, the attributes last_name and first_name may form a key on a relation of students
  • Or does it?

  • The attribute ssn is definitely a key

  • We note keys by underlining or italicizing the key attributes

    Movies(_title_:string, _year_:integer, length:integer, genre:string)

Synthetic vs. Semantic Keys

  • A key like title, year is a semantic key, because it's made up of fields that already have meaning

  • Many (most?) database administrators prefer synthetic or artificial keys
  • Synthetic keys are made up for the purpose of serving as keys
  • It is usually painful to change the key for a record!
  • And change is inevitable with semantic keys

  • Examples of synthetic keys include id or student_id or sid

  • It is also common to have a choice of keys
  • In our student database, we could use ssn or sid as the key, for example

Example Schema

Movies(_title_:string, _year_:integer, length:integer, genre:string,
       studioName:string, producerC#:integer)

MovieStars(_name_:string, address:string, gender:char, birthdate:date)

StarsIn(_movieTitle_:string, _movieYear_:integer, _starName_:string)

MovieExecs(name:string, address:string, _cert#_:integer, netWorth:integer)

Studios(_name_:string, address:string, presC#:integer)

Movies Schema

Movies(_title_:string, _year_:integer, length:integer, genre:string,
       studioName:string, producerC#:integer)
  • This is the schema we've been using for movies
  • The key is title, year
  • We've added the studio that made it, and the producer in charge

MovieStars Schema

MovieStars(_name_:string, address:string, gender:char, birthdate:date)
  • This stores information for movie stars
  • The key is just name
  • This is highly unusual, because different people can have the same name
  • But movie stars are different -- they would change names rather than share them with another star
  • Also, notice the new domains char and date

StarsIn Schema

StarsIn(_movieTitle_:string, _movieYear_:integer, _starName_:string)
  • This connects movies with the stars in them
  • The key is a combination of the keys for Movies and Stars
  • So we have movieTitle, movieYear, starName
  • Each row connects a specific movie with a specific star
  • Notice that a movie can have many stars, and that a star can be in many movies

MovieExecs Schema

MovieExecs(name:string, address:string, _cert#_:integer, netWorth:integer)
  • This stores information about movie executives
  • Movie executives work behind the scenes, so they won't necessarily change their names to avoid confusion
  • That means we need a synthetic key for them, in this case "certificate number"

  • Remember that a movie had a producer
  • The producer was identified by the attribute producerC#, which must match one of the MovieExecs

Studios Schema

Studios(_name_:string, address:string, presC#:integer)
  • This has information about movie studios
  • The key is the name (since no two studios would have the same name)
  • But wait, studios may change name!

  • The studio president is identified by his or her certificate number
  • This must be one of the MovieExecs

Defining a Relation Schema in SQL

Structured Query Language (SQL)

  • SQL is the main language used to describe and manipulate databases

  • It consists of two distinct languages
    1. Data definition language (DDL) is used to define relations, constraints, and other components of the database
    2. Data manipulation language (DML) is used to query and modify the relation instances in the database

  • We will consider the DDL in this overview

Structured Query Language (SQL)

  • SQL distinguishes three types of relations

  • Tables are relations that are stored on disk
  • These are the usual types of relations

  • Views are relations defined by some computation
    • E.g., we can make a view of the movies that Kevin Bacon has starred in

  • Temporary tables are created to store values during the execution of a query
  • These are thrown away after the query is finished

  • The SQL CREATE TABLE command is used to define stored relations (aka tables)
  • You specify the name of the table, the attributes, the types of the attributes, and the keys

SQL Caveat

  • SQL is a loose standard
  • Yes, there's an official ANSI standard document
  • No, there is not a required test suite to be "SQL-compliant"

  • Different vendors will implement different versions of SQL
  • Consult your database manual

  • We will cover the standard flavor of SQL, but there are differences

SQL Data Types

Type Explanation
CHAR(n) Fixed-length string of n characters
VARCHAR(n) Variable-length string of up to n characters
BIT(n) Fixed-length string of n bits
BIT VARYING(n) Variable-length string of up to n bits
INT or INTEGER Integer values, may use underlying C int type
FLOAT or REAL Floating-point values, may use underlying C float or double
DOUBLE PRECISION Floating-point value, may use underlying C double
DECIMAL(n,d) Fixed-point value, with n digits, d of which are after the decimal point
NUMERIC Could be any of the numeric values above
DATE Dates, could be in format '2015-01-26'
TIME Times, could be in format '14:25:30.6'
DATETIME Date and time, could be in format '2015-01-26 14:25:30.6'
DURATION Period of time, could be in format '1:20:30.6'

Creating a Table

  • Use the CREATE TABLE command
  • Include the name of the table
  • Also a parenthesized list of attributes and their domains
    title         VARCHAR(100),
    year          INT,
    length        INT,
    genre         VARCHAR(10),
    studioName    VARCHAR(100),
    producerC#    INT
    name        VARCHAR(100),
    address     VARCHAR(200),
    gender      CHAR(1),
    birthdate   DATE

Dropping a Table

  • You can get rid of a table with the DROP TABLE command
  • Use with care

  • SQL convention:
    • Use DROP to remove items from the database schema
    • Use DELETE to remove items from a relation instance


Modifying a Table

  • You can change the attributes of a table with the ALTER TABLE command

ALTER TABLE MovieStars ADD phone CHAR(16);

ALTER TABLE MovieStars DROP birthdate;

NULL Values

  • Suppose we add a new actor to MovieStars, but we do not know their phone number

  • Databases handle this by supporting NULL values
  • Note: All domains support NULL values
  • A NULL value is not one of the domain elements
  • E.g., there is an integer NULL, but it's not a "weird" integer, like \(-2^{31}\)

  • One problem with NULL values is that they complicate the meaning of queries
  • E.g., suppose both John and Sally have NULL in their parent field
    • Does that mean they're siblings?
    • Does that mean they're not siblings?

Default Values

  • An alternative is that we assign default values to attributes

  • When a row is added, the default value is used unless a value is given explicitly
  • E.g., the default for phone may be unlisted

    name        VARCHAR(100),
    address     VARCHAR(200),
    gender      CHAR(1) DEFAULT '?',
    birthdate   DATE DEFAULT '0000-00-00'

ALTER TABLE MovieStars ADD phone CHAR(16) DEFAULT 'unlisted';

Declaring Keys

  • There are two ways to declare a key in SQL
    • Specify that a single attribute is a key when it is declared
    • Specify that one or more attributes form a key after all attributes are declared

  • I prefer the second style, but I'll let you use either, and you should know both
    name      VARCHAR(100) PRIMARY KEY,
    address   VARCHAR(200),
    gender    CHAR(1) DEFAULT '?',
    birthdate DATE DEFAULT '0000-00-00'
    title         VARCHAR(100),
    year          INT,
    length        INT,
    genre         VARCHAR(10),
    studioName    VARCHAR(100),
    producerC#    INT,
    PRIMARY KEY (title, year)


  • You can also use UNIQUE instead of PRIMARY KEY

  • Both specify that two different rows must have different values for the given attribute(s)

  • In addition, PRIMARY KEY adds a constraint that the values for those attributes cannot be NULL

  • In practice,
    • Use PRIMARY KEY for the key
    • Use UNIQUE for other candidate keys (that were not chosen)
    • E.g., use PRIMARY KEY for sid and UNIQUE for ssn

An Algebraic Query Language

Relational Algebra

  • Relational algebra is the "invisible" query language of relational databases
  • It is similar to algebra \[x + 25y - \frac{xy^3}{5}\]
  • Algebra expressions say two things
    • What value do we want to compute
    • How do we want to compute it

Relational Algebra Is Imperative

  • To compute: \[x + 25y - \frac{xy^3}{5}\]
    1. multiply \(25\) times \(y\)
    2. add the result to \(x\)
    3. raise \(y\) to power \(3\)
    4. multiply \(x\) by the result of step 3.
    5. divide that by 5
    6. add the result of steps 2. and 5.
  • The expression says what we want and how to do it
  • We say that algebra is imperative

Imperative vs. Declarative

  • Modern databases use declarative query languages
    • The programmer says what he or she wants
    • The computer figures out how to do it

  • The great advantage is that the database can come up with good execution plans -- i.e., the how
  • Often, orders of magnitude better than what a programmer would do
  • This is inevitable, because the "best" execution plan depends on
    • how data is stored on disk
    • the exact distribution of the data in the tables

  • But, the database uses relational algebra to represent the execution plans!
  • And it describes those plans to you using relational algebra

Relational Algebra Expressions

  • Relational algebra has two types of "leaves"
    • variables stand for relations
    • constants stand for specific relation instances

  • The internal nodes in relational algebra are relational operators
    • set operations, e.g., union, intersection, difference, cartesian product
    • selections that filter rows from a relation
    • projections that filter columns from a relation
    • join operations that combine relations by filtering some rows or columns from a cartesian product
    • rename operations that change the name of the resulting table or its attributes

Set Operations

  • The set operations are written as
    • \(R \cup S\)
    • \(R \cap S\)
    • \(R - S\)
    • \(R \times S\)

  • Of course, these can be nested
    • \(R \cup (S \cap T)\)

  • For union, intersection, and set difference, we make two assumption on \(R\) and \(S\):
    • \(R\) and \(S\) have the same attributes and domains
    • The attributes are in the same order
  • In this case, we say \(R\) and \(S\) are union-compatible

Set Operations

  • Here are some example relations
  • Note that they are union-compatible

Relation \(R\)

name address gender birthdate
Carrie Fisher 123 Maple St. F 9/9/99
Mark Hamill 456 Oak Rd. M 8/8/88

Relation \(S\)

name address gender birthdate
Carrie Fisher 123 Maple St. F 9/9/99
Harrison Ford 789 Palm Dr. M 7/7/77

Union and Intersection

\(R \cup S\)

name address gender birthdate
Carrie Fisher 123 Maple St. F 9/9/99
Mark Hamill 456 Oak Rd. M 8/8/88
Harrison Ford 789 Palm Dr. M 7/7/77

\(R \cap S\)

name address gender birthdate
Carrie Fisher 123 Maple St. F 9/9/99

Set Difference

\(R - S\)

name address gender birthdate
Mark Hamill 456 Oak Rd. M 8/8/88

\(S - R\)

name address gender birthdate
Harrison Ford 789 Palm Dr. M 7/7/77

Cross Product

\(R \times S\) R.address R.gender R.birthdate S.address S.gender S.birthdate
Carrie Fisher 123 Maple St. F 9/9/99 Carrie Fisher 123 Maple St. F 9/9/99
Carrie Fisher 123 Maple St. F 9/9/99 Harrison Ford 789 Palm Dr. M 7/7/77
Mark Hamill 456 Oak Rd. M 8/8/88 Carrie Fisher 123 Maple St. F 9/9/99
Mark Hamill 456 Oak Rd. M 8/8/88 Harrison Ford 789 Palm Dr. M 7/7/77

  • Note that we use \(R.A\) and \(S.A\) to differentiate attributes that have the same name in both relations
  • In general, it's preferable to rename the columns


  • A projection lets you choose which columns to view on the result
  • It is given by \(\pi\) with the chosen columns as subscripts, and the relation in parenthesis
  • E.g., \(\pi_{\text{title}, \text{length}, \text{year}}(\text{Movies})\) will show only the title, length, and year of the Movies table

  • Of course, this can be nested, e.g., \(\pi_{A,B}(R \times S)\)

Projection Example


Title Year Length Genre
Gone With the Wind 1939 231 drama
Star Wars 1977 124 scifi
The Matrix 1999 136 scifi

\(\pi_{\text{title}, \text{length}, \text{year}}(\text{Movies})\)

Title Length Year
Gone With the Wind 231 1939
Star Wars 124 1977
The Matrix 136 1999

  • Notice we also swapped the order of the columns!

Projection Example


Title Year Length Genre
Gone With the Wind 1939 231 drama
Star Wars 1977 124 scifi
The Matrix 1999 136 scifi



  • Notice we only have two rows, because the last two movies have the same genre


  • A selection lets you choose which rows to view on the result
  • It is given by \(\sigma\) with a condition as a subscript, and the relation in parenthesis
  • E.g., \(\sigma_{\text{year} = 1977}(\text{Movies})\) will show only the movies released in 1977

  • Of course, this can be nested, e.g., \(\sigma_{A>10}(R \times S)\)

Selection Example


Title Year Length Genre
Gone With the Wind 1939 231 drama
Star Wars 1977 124 scifi
The Matrix 1999 136 scifi

\(\sigma_{\text{year} \ge 1975}(\text{Movies})\)

Title Year Length Genre
Star Wars 1977 124 scifi
The Matrix 1999 136 scifi

Selection Example


Title Year Length Genre
Gone With the Wind 1939 231 drama
Star Wars 1977 124 scifi
The Matrix 1999 136 scifi

\(\sigma_{\text{length} \ge 130 \text{ AND } \text{genre} = \text{'scifi' }}(\text{Movies})\)

Title Year Length Genre
The Matrix 1999 136 scifi

Natural Joins

  • A join is a combination of a cross product and a selection
  • Consider these two tables

    Movies(_title_:string, _year_:integer, length:integer, genre:string,
           name:string, producerC#:integer)
    Studios(_name_:string, address:string, presC#:integer)
  • Note: We've modified the schema so that Movies uses name instead of studioName

  • We want to find the studio that makes each movie

  • We can do this with this relational algebra expression: \[\sigma_{\text{} = \text{}}(Movies \times Studios)\]

Natural Joins Example


Title Year Length Genre Name ProducerC#
Gone With the Wind 1939 231 drama MGM 1234
Star Wars 1977 124 scifi Lucasfilm 2345
The Matrix 1999 136 scifi Warner 3456


Name Address PresC#
MGM 101 Mogul St. 5678
Lucasfilm 1 Jedi Way 6789
Warner 200 Brothers Pl. 4567

Natural Joins Example

  • Step 1: \(\text{Movies} \times \text{Studios}\)
Title Year Length Genre Movies.Name ProducerC# Studios.Name Address PresC#
Gone With the Wind 1939 231 drama MGM 1234 MGM 101 Mogul St. 5678
Gone With the Wind 1939 231 drama MGM 1234 Lucasfilm 1 Jedi Way 6789
Gone With the Wind 1939 231 drama MGM 1234 Warner 200 Brothers Pl. 4567
Star Wars 1977 124 scifi Lucasfilm 2345 MGM 101 Mogul St. 5678
Star Wars 1977 124 scifi Lucasfilm 2345 Lucasfilm 1 Jedi Way 6789
Star Wars 1977 124 scifi Lucasfilm 2345 Warner 200 Brothers Pl. 4567
The Matrix 1999 136 scifi Warner 3456 MGM 101 Mogul St. 5678
The Matrix 1999 136 scifi Warner 3456 Lucasfilm 1 Jedi Way 6789
The Matrix 1999 136 scifi Warner 3456 Warner 200 Brothers Pl. 4567

Natural Joins Example

  • Step 2: \(\sigma_{\text{} = {}}(\text{Movies} \times \text{Studios})\)
Title Year Length Genre Movies.Name ProducerC# Studios.Name Address PresC#
Gone With the Wind 1939 231 drama MGM 1234 MGM 101 Mogul St. 5678
Star Wars 1977 124 scifi Lucasfilm 2345 Lucasfilm 1 Jedi Way 6789
The Matrix 1999 136 scifi Warner 3456 Warner 200 Brothers Pl. 4567

Natural Joins Example

  • Step 3: \(\text{Movies} \bowtie \text{Studios}\)
Title Year Length Genre Name ProducerC# Address PresC#
Gone With the Wind 1939 231 drama MGM 1234 101 Mogul St. 5678
Star Wars 1977 124 scifi Lucasfilm 2345 1 Jedi Way 6789
The Matrix 1999 136 scifi Warner 3456 200 Brothers Pl. 4567
  • What's natural about the join is that attributes in Movies with the same name as an attribute in Studios are filtered to have equal values
  • I.e., the selection is implied by the attribute names

Theta Joins

  • A theta join (also \(\theta\)-join) allows an arbitrary condition on the selection
  • A natural join assumes that the condition is an equality check on attributes with the same name
  • A theta join lets you pick the selection condition

Theta Join Example

  • Now consider the original schema

    Movies(_title_:string, _year_:integer, length:integer, genre:string,
           studioName:string, producerC#:integer)
    Studios(_name_:string, address:string, presC#:integer)
  • We can join it as follows: \[\text{Movies} \bowtie_{\text{studioName} = \text{name}} \text{Studios}\]

Title Year Length Genre StudioName ProducerC# Name Address PresC#
Gone With the Wind 1939 231 drama MGM 1234 MGM 101 Mogul St. 5678
Star Wars 1977 124 scifi Lucasfilm 2345 Lucasfilm 1 Jedi Way 6789
The Matrix 1999 136 scifi Warner 3456 Warner 200 Brothers Pl. 4567

Join Lesson #1

  • Suppose \(S\) has \(m\) rows and \(R\) has \(n\) rows

  • Then \(S \times R\) has exactly \(m \cdot n\) rows

  • What about \(S \bowtie R\)?
    1. It could be \(0\)
    2. It could be \(m\) or \(n\) (if exactly one row in \(R\) matches a row in \(S\))
    3. It could be as large as \(m \cdot n\)
    4. Or any number in between
  • It depends on the characteristics of the data
  • E.g., consider joining on
    1. \(\text{} = \text{EnrolledIn.sid}\)
    2. \(\text{Student.gender} = \text{Advisor.gender}\)

Join Lesson #2

  • You must learn how to execute your own join expressions

  • The easiest way is to follow the algorithm above (called a naive nested loop join)
  • I.e., to compute \(R \bowtie S\)
    1. Pick the first row of \(R\)
    2. Find all the rows in \(S\) that join with that one row in \(R\), and write those down
    3. Now consider the second row
    4. Then the third row
    5. Etc.

Join Lesson #3

  • Databases are very, very good at executing joins

  • Suppose we need to compute \(S \bowtie S\), where \(S\) is the Students table at UW
  • Since \(|S| \approx 14000\), the naive method takes up \(14000^2 =\) 1.96 × 108 steps
  • Each step is a disk access, so even if disk I/O is 1ms, that works out to 1.96 × 105 seconds
  • Which is 3266.6666667 minutes
  • Which is 54.4444444 hours
  • Which is 2.2685185 days

  • UW's database can probably join those in a matter of seconds, or minutes at most

  • So use the optimizer
  • And never, ever, ever try to do joins in your own code
  • E.g., by doing a nested loop with two different database queries

Join Lesson #3

  • By the way, the naive execution resulted in 2 days
  • The optimal execution plan may take 20 seconds

  • What the query optimizer does is to find an execution plan that is much closer to 20 seconds than to 2 days
  • It doesn't guarantee that it'll find the best execution plan
  • But it tries to avoid the absolute worst!
  • And, if you're lucky, it finds one that's in the same order of magnitude as the best plan

Join Lesson #4

  • In the first quarter of 2019, Facebook had 2.32 billion active users

  • That is roughly equivalent to 166,000 Universities of Wyoming
  • (There's a little over 4,000 universities in the US, including community colleges)

  • Joining Facebook's users table with itself would take 5.3824 × 1015 seconds, or 6.2296296 × 1010 days
  • That would be 1.7067478 × 108 years
  • You would have had to start 105 million years before the dinosaurs went extinct to finish by now

  • That's why the conventional wisdom when dealing with very (very, very, very) large databases is that joins are a disaster
  • That may not be entirely true, but it explains why the big technology companies developed their own database systems

Join Lesson #5

  • Suppose you want to find all Movies and their producers

  • We can do this by joining the tables

    Movies(_title_:string, _year_:integer, length:integer, genre:string,
           studioName:string, producerC#:integer)
    MovieExecs(name:string, address:string, _cert#_:integer, netWorth:integer)

\[\text{Movies} \bowtie_{\text{producerC#} = \text{cert#}} \text{MovieExecs}\]

Join Lesson #5

  • Now suppose we want to find all producers
  • This is not everybody in MovieExecs
  • Only the folks who have actually produced a movie

  • We can do this by joining the tables

    Movies(_title_:string, _year_:integer, length:integer, genre:string,
           studioName:string, producerC#:integer)
    MovieExecs(name:string, address:string, _cert#_:integer, netWorth:integer)

\[\pi_{\text{name}, \text{address}, \text{cert#}, \text{netWorth}}(\text{Movies} \bowtie_{\text{producerC#} = \text{cert#}} \text{MovieExecs})\]

Join Lesson #5

  • Now suppose we want to find all producers who have produced more than 1 movie
  • This is not everybody in MovieExecs
  • Only the folks who have actually produced two or more movies

Join Lesson #5

  • We can do this by joining the tables

    Movies(_title_:string, _year_:integer, length:integer, genre:string,
           studioName:string, producerC#:integer)
    MovieExecs(name:string, address:string, _cert#_:integer, netWorth:integer)
  • Basic strategy: \[\text{MovieExecs} \bowtie \text{Movies}_1 \bowtie \text{Movies}_2\]

  • The executive produces movie #1 and movie #2

  • Movies #1 and #2 are different movies

Join Lesson #5

  • Now suppose we want to find all Movies and the MovieStars in them

  • We can do this by joining the tables

    Movies(_title_:string, _year_:integer, length:integer, genre:string,
         studioName:string, producerC#:integer)
    MovieStars(_name_:string, address:string, gender:char, birthdate:date)
    StarsIn(_movieTitle_:string, _movieYear_:integer, _starName_:string)
  • Make sure you know how to do this!

  • Very important: Make sure you know how to do this!

Join Lesson #5

  • Now suppose we want to play the Kevin Bacon game
  • Find all MovieStars in Movies that Kevin Bacon stars in

  • We can do this by joining the tables

    Movies(_title_:string, _year_:integer, length:integer, genre:string,
           studioName:string, producerC#:integer)
    MovieStars(_name_:string, address:string, gender:char, birthdate:date)
    StarsIn(_movieTitle_:string, _movieYear_:integer, _starName_:string)

Join Lesson #5

  • Basic strategy: \[\text{Movies} \bowtie \text{StarsIn}_1 \bowtie \sigma(\text{MovieStars}_1) \bowtie \text{StarsIn}_2 \bowtie \text{MovieStars}_2\]
  • The selection on the first MovieStars filters for Kevin Bacon
  • Joining the first StarsIn and MovieStars finds Movies that Kevin Bacon stars in
  • Joining the second StarsIn and MovieStars finds the other MovieStars in those Movies

Join Lesson #5

  • Key Lesson: Join is extremely useful, easily the most useful relational algebra operator
  • It can be helpful to join a table with itself!
  • Whenever you want to find "all Employees who supervise other Employees", for example, think in terms of joining Employees with itself


  • The rename operation allows us to change the name and attributes of a relational algebra expression
  • It's written as \(\rho\) with the new schema as a subscript
  • If you only want to rename the relation (and leave the attributes the same), you can just leave the new relation name in the subscript

    Movies(_title_:string, _year_:integer, length:integer, genre:string,
           studioName:string, producerC#:integer)
    • \(\rho_{\text{M2}(\text{title}, \text{year}, \text{length}, \text{genre}, \text{sname}, \text{prod})} (\text{Movies})\)
    • \(\rho_{\text{M2}} (\text{Movies})\)

Renaming Example

  • This is the missing piece to doing a query like

    • Basic strategy: \[\text{MovieExecs} \bowtie \text{Movies}_1 \bowtie \text{Movies}_2\]
    • The executive produces movie #1 and movie #2
    • Movies #1 and #2 are different movies

    \[\begin{eqnarray} \text{MovieExecs} && \bowtie_{\text{M1.producerC#} = \text{cert#}} \rho_{\text{M1}}(\text{Movies})\\ && \bowtie_{\text{M2.producerC#} = \text{cert#} \text{ AND } (\text{M1.title} \ne \text{M2.title} \text{ OR } \text{M1.year} \ne \text{M2.year})} \rho_{\text{M2}}(\text{Movies}) \\ \end{eqnarray} \]

Linear Notation

  • As the previous example showed, relational expressions can get very unwieldy
  • There is a simple linear notation that can come in very handy
  • We introduce assignment statements: \[R(A,B,C) := S \bowtie T \cap U\]

  • The previous expression is easier to write as follows: \[\begin{eqnarray} MM & := & \rho_\text{M1}(\text{Movies}) \bowtie_{\text{M1.producerC#} = \text{M2.producerC#}} \rho_\text{M2}(\text{Movies}) \\ FMM & := & \sigma_{\text{M1.title} \ne \text{M2.title} \text{ OR } \text{M1.year} \ne \text{M2.year}}(MM) \\ \text{Answer} & := & \text{MovieExec} \bowtie_{\text{M1.producerC#} = \text{cert#}}(FMM) \\ \end{eqnarray} \]

Relationships Among Operations

  • We've seen a lot of relational operators
  • Actually, we don't need all of them
  • Assuming the schemas \(R(x,y)\) and \(S(y,z)\):
    • \(R \cap S = R - (R - S)\)
    • \(R \bowtie_\theta S = \sigma_\theta (R \times S)\)
    • \(R \bowtie S = \rho_{(x,y,z)}(\pi_{x,R,y,z}(\sigma_{R.y = S.y}(R \times S)))\)
  • It turns out we only need \(\cup\), \(-\), \(\pi\), \(\sigma\), \(\times\), and \(\rho\)
  • But having the others is very convenient!
  • Also, there are other equations that always hold, e.g.,
    • \(R \bowtie (S \cup T) = (R \bowtie S) \cup (R \bowtie T)\)
    • \(R \bowtie_{\theta_1 \text{ AND } \theta_2} S = \sigma_{\theta_2}(R \bowtie_{\theta_1} S)\)
    • This is good -- it gives the optimizer lots of choices so it can find a good execution plan

Constraints on Relations

About Constraints

  • A constraint limits the values that are allowed in a column
  • E.g., genre must be one of "scifi", "comedy", or "drama"

  • The important point is that constraints can be specified as queries
  • This means that we can use relational algebra to describe constraints
  • (Later, we'll use SQL to do this)

Formulas for Constraints

  • There are two ways to use relational algebra for constraints:
    • \(\alpha = \emptyset\), meaning "\(\alpha\) is not allowed"
    • \(\alpha \subset \beta\), meaning "All \(\alpha\) must have property \(\beta\)"

  • In general, the formula just needs to be a Boolean formula
  • It doesn't much matter which style is used, but you should be comfortable with both styles above

Referential Integrity Constraints

  • A referential integrity constraints asserts that
    • a value appearing in one context
    • must also appear in another context

  • E.g., if a person \(p\) appears in the StarsIn.starName, then that person must also appear in
  • In other words, a person who stars in a movie must be a movie star!
  • More generally, we write \[\pi_A(R) \subset \pi_B(S)\]
  • Equivalently, we can write \[\pi_A(R) - \pi_B(S) = \emptyset\]

Referential Integrity Constraint Examples

  • \(\pi_{\text{starName}}(\text{StarsIn}) \subset \pi_{\text{name}}(\text{MovieStars})\)
  • \(\pi_{\text{starName}}(\text{StarsIn}) - \pi_{\text{name}}(\text{MovieStars}) = \emptyset\)

  • \(\pi_{\text{producerC#}}(\text{Movies}) \subset \pi_{\text{cert#}}(\text{MovieExecs})\)

  • \(\pi_{\text{movieTitle,movieYear}}(\text{StarsIn}) \subset \pi_{\text{title,year}}(\text{Movies})\)

Key Constraints

  • We have already seen key constraints
  • A key constraint says that no two rows can have the same values in one or more attributes

  • Suppose that attribute \(A\) is a key for relation \(R(A,B)\)
  • To express this constraint
    • Consider the cross product of \(R\) with itself (renaming one copy, of course)
    • If \((a,b_1)\) and \((a, b_2)\) are two tuples of \(R\), then \(b_1\) and \(b_2\) must be the same
    • I.e., they must be the same tuple
    • Equivalently, there are no rows with the same value for \(A\) but different values for \(B\) \[\sigma_{R.A = R2.A \text{ AND } R.B \ne R2.B}(R \times \rho_{R2}(R)) = \emptyset\]

Key Constraint Example

\[\sigma_{\text{M1.title} = \text{M2.title} \text{ AND } \text{M1.year} = \text{M2.year} \text{ AND } \text{M1.length} \ne \text{M2.length} \text{ AND } \text{M1.genre} \ne \text{M2.genre} \text{ AND } \dots}(\rho_{\text{M1}}(\text{Movies}) \times \rho_{\text{M2}}(\text{Movies})) = \emptyset\]

What a mess!

This is far easier to read as follows:

\[\begin{eqnarray} XP & := & \rho_{\text{M1}}(\text{Movies}) \times \rho_{\text{M2}}(\text{Movies}) \\ SK & := & \sigma_{\text{M1.title} = \text{M2.title} \text{ AND } \text{M1.year} = \text{M2.year}}(XP) \\ SNK & := & \sigma_{\text{M1.length} \ne \text{M2.length} \text{ OR } \text{M1.genre} \ne \text{M2.genre} \text{ OR } \dots}(SK) \\ SNK & = & \emptyset \end{eqnarray} \]

Domain Constraints

  • A domain constraint provides additional constraints on the type of an attribute
  • E.g., gender is character, but it must also be either 'M' or 'F' \[\sigma_{\text{gender} \ne \text{'M'} \text{ AND } \text{gender} \ne \text{'F'}}(\text{MovieStars}) = \emptyset\]

Domain Constraint Example

  • Here is a more complex example
  • Presidents of a movie studio must have a net worth of at least $10,000,000.

  • Here's an idea that doesn't work: \[\sigma_{\text{netWorth} < 10000000}(\text{MovieExecs}) = \emptyset\]
  • The problem is that one can be a movie executive without being a studio president!

  • Here's how we limit the condition to just movie presidents \[\sigma_{\text{netWorth} < 10000000}(\text{Studios} \bowtie_{\text{presC#} = \text{cert#}} \text{MovieExecs}) = \emptyset\]